Every day, there are couples who suffer from infertility problems. Between 16% to 20% of couples struggle with problems related to infertility that cause changes in their self-esteem, personal and family achievement.

This occurs when there is a biological, temporary or permanent incapacity for a person to be able to contribute to conceiving a child, or even, in the case of the woman, the impossibility of carrying out a pregnancy.

At main causes of infertility and its distribution:

  • 30-35% female factors: ovulatory dysfunction, injury or obstruction in the uterine tubes, endometriosis, pathology and abnormalities in the uterus and cervix, early menopause.
  • 30-35% male factors: changes in sperm quality, pathologies of the testis, ducts, epididymis and prostate, dysfunction in erection and ejaculation.
  • 20% mixed factors: both elements of the couple are involved.
  • 15-20% unexplained cause: the reason for infertility cannot be determined.

What is Infertility?

Infertility is considered to be when the woman is unable to conceive, after trying for a minimum period of one year.

For most couples, having sex frequently without using contraception results in pregnancy within a year.

For approximately 50% of couples, pregnancy occurs in the first three months.

Failing to conceive can be caused by problems in the man, the woman, or both. 

In the case of women, the eggs may not be released from the ovary or the eggs may not be able to pass through the tubes that reach the uterus.

In the case of man, it is possible that he has a problem producing sperm or perhaps sperm cannot get through the tubes that reach the penis. 

The doctor does tests to try to find the cause of infertility.

In order to have a greater chance of becoming pregnant, the couple must have sex within the three days prior to ovulation.

If you have sexual intercourse at the right time and it doesn't work, there are medications and medical techniques that help women get pregnant.

Chinese medicine can help with this problem, after a careful diagnosis to the couple, we will have a therapeutic solution that can go through acupuncture or acupuncture plus phytotherapy.

Even for couples who are already in the process of in vitro fertilization, the use of TCM can significantly increase the success rate of the initial procedure.

Usually and for more efficient results, we advise that the couple as a whole be seen and treated.

Thanks to Chinese medicine, in a natural way, it has already been possible to help thousands of couples to reach their goal and recover the happiness that they so longed for.

Who knows if you won't be next?