Improve your
quality of life!
Stop Smoke !

Do you want to quit smoking?

Smoking seriously damages the health of people who smoke.

If you want to improve your health and that of those around you, quitting smoking is the best decision you can make.

Quitting smoking decreases the risk of premature death. People who quit smoking live an average of 10 more years compared to those who continue to smoke.  

A former smoker reduces the risk of suffering cardiovascular disease 50%, compared to that seen in people who smoke. Between 5 and 15 years of age, the risk of stroke is the same as for non-smokers. 

The risk of cancer and respiratory diseases also starts to decrease as soon as you stop smoking: 

After 5 years of tobacco withdrawal, the risk of cancer of the mouth and esophagus decreases by 50% and continues to decrease thereafter.

After 10 years, the risk of lung cancer decreases by 50% from that seen in smokers. The risk of cancer in other locations is also decreasing.

Quit smoking - Years of life expectancy recovered

If you stop at 30
+ 0 Years
If you stop at 40
+ 0 Years
If you stop at 50
+ 0 Years
If you stop at 60
+ 0 Years

Source. Doll R, Peto R, Wheatley K, et al. Mortality in relation to smoking:
50 years'observations on male british doctors. BMJ, 328, 2004, 1519-1528

Why you should quit smoking

The risk of many of the diseases associated with tobacco increases with years of use. Like this, to quit smoking as early as possible, is dramatically reducing the risk of having these diseases.

Several studies show that average life expectancy decreases by about 10 years in smokers compared to non-smokers. Yet, smokers who quit before 30-34 years, recover the years of life potentially lost due to tobacco, significantly decreasing the risk of premature death. Even when you quit smoking at the age of 60, you can still recover about 3 years of life expectancy.

Quitting smoking has immediate and medium to long term benefits, not only for the person, but also for those who live with him, such as:

  • Reduced risk of lung cancer and many other types of cancer;

  • Reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease;

  • Reduction of respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Although these symptoms may not go away entirely, they will not continue to progress with the same intensity as those who continue to smoke;

  • Reduced risk of developing some lung diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD);

  • Reduced risk of infertility.

Chronology of your new tobacco-free life

After 20 minutes
The pulse and blood pressure start to become normal.
Circulation starts to improve.
The temperature of the hands and feet begins to rise until it reaches normality.
After 8 hours
The body eliminated half of the nicotine and carbon monoxide in the blood.
Oxygen for the brain and muscles is more abundant.
As the chemical levels in cigarettes disappear, oxygen levels return to normal.
12 hours
Half a day after the big decision, blood carbon monoxide levels are back to normal.
Your heart thanks the relief.
24 hours
A person who smokes a pack a day is twice as likely to have a heart attack as a non-smoker.
By just going a day without smoking, you have reduced that risk.
48 hours
You may even start coughing more, but it is a normal reaction of the body and will not last much longer than a day.
He stopped having nicotine in his blood.
3 days
Breathe more easily and have more energy.
Your lungs begin to recover as the bronchi begin to relax.
If you remain resolute in your decision to quit smoking, this process will improve.
2 to 12 weeks
Blood flow improves.
The lungs work better and better.
Your athletic ability increases and you can feel easier in the practice of physical exercise.
3 to 9 months
In this phase, he is able to inhale more deeply and more clearly.
You will be less prone to colds and other illnesses.
His lungs recovered up to 10% of respiratory function.
Your energy levels keep increasing.
9 months to 1 year
The lungs have recovered almost all their function.
At the end of the first year without smoking, the risk of heart attack has halved compared to a person who is still smoking.
5 years
Your body has now regenerated itself to the point that your arteries and capillary vessels are more clear.
Stroke risks have reduced for those of a non-smoker.
Compared to the day you quit smoking, you have halved the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder.
10 years
Compared to those who are still smokers, they have 50% less chance of getting lung cancer.
15 years
At this point, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease is the same as that of a non-smoker.
20 years
The risk of dying from causes related to having been a smoker is equivalent to those who never smoked.
This includes the risk of lung-related illness, cardiovascular disease or cancer.
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Benefits of quitting smoking for young people

For young people the first benefit of quitting is to avoid tobacco dependence, because the sooner a young person quits smoking, the less likely they are to smoke in adulthood. Teenagers who smoke are more likely to consume alcohol and other illegal substances.

Young people who decide to quit smoking:

  • Maintain adequate lung development;
  • They maintain their physical aptitude, a good resistance and a good sporting performance;
  • Reduce the risk of respiratory complaints and the severity of respiratory diseases;
  • If they suffer from asthma, they have fewer crises and better control the disease.

Benefits of quitting smoking for pregnant women

If you are pregnant, quitting smoking has benefits not only for you, but also for your baby:

  • Increases the likelihood of a normal delivery;

  • The baby receives more oxygen and is no longer exposed to toxic substances in tobacco smoke;

  • It reduces the risk of the baby being born earlier or with low weight;

  • Decreases the risk of medical treatment and prolonged postpartum hospitalization;

  • It increases the possibility of having a normal delivery and that the baby is born healthy;

  • Decreases the risk of fetal and perinatal mortality.

Do you want to quit smoking?

Some people stop smoking without great difficulty, never developing symptoms of addiction. However, quitting smoking is not an easy task for most smokers. The addicted smoker will have to deal with the withdrawal symptoms that the absence of tobacco causes. As if that were not enough, you will still have to learn to deal with the desire to smoke triggered by multiple contexts or everyday social situations.

Most people who smoke are well aware of what they feel when they are longer than usual without smoking. THE nicotine, the main addiction-inducing substance in cigarettes, affects several organs and systems, in particular the brain receptors associated with the reward system. When you stop smoking, the smoker's brain and entire organism has to adjust to the absence of nicotine. Withdrawal symptoms are signs that the body is adapting to the lack of tobacco. This phase of adaptation to the absence of tobacco can be unpleasant and difficult to endure without support. At this stage, many smokers trying to quit relapse.

Withdrawal symptoms:

  • Feeling of sadness;

  • Insomnia;

  • Irritability;

  • Difficulty concentrating, restlessness, nervousness;

  • Decreased heart rate;

  • Hunger sensation;

  • Desire to smoke

For most people, the worst symptoms last only a few days or a few weeks, but the craving for a cigarette can last longer. This desire is triggered by stimuli such as remembering tobacco, seeing tobacco packaging or people smoking. 

Although these symptoms can be unpleasant, a lack of tobacco and withdrawal symptoms are not dangerous to your health. 

Only 3% to 5% of smokers who quit without help continue to quit smoking a year after quitting.

Source: Adopted by the National Program for the Prevention and Control of Smoking, Want to quit smoking? -

Method of Dr. Rui Pedro Loureiro

If you have come this far, it is because you are really interested in quitting smoking and if so, I have good news for you.

With the method of quitting smoking by Dr. Rui Pedro Loureiro you can easily and effectively start your new tobacco-free life that you so desire.

Inspired by Chinese Medicine, Dr. Rui Loureiro's method is based on electro acupuncture and uses light electrical stimulation at specific points in the ear to help you quit smoking in a simple and quick way.

The treatment is carried out in a maximum of 30 minutes and with an efficacy rate of 87-90% with only one session.

On average, 9 out of 10 patients quit smoking with this method in one session.

Dr. Rui Pedro is invited worldwide to hold several health and wellness retreats, many of them with the aim of helping to stop smoking.

Hundreds of people around the world already benefit from a new life without tobacco, you can be next.


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