Laser acupuncture is a procedure where traditional acupuncture points are stimulated through the use of a laser beam replacing acupuncture needles.
Laser light has some characteristics that differ from conventional light and find application within the medical field. The laser beams propagate in parallel, producing a rectilinear beam of light with very little loss of power. When focusing on a tissue, the laser energy can be discharged onto that tissue, thus transferring the beam's energy for therapeutic purposes.
Wavelength is the most important factor in the type of therapy to be performed.
The use of laser has some advantages in relation to traditional acupuncture:
There are laser equipment for use in acupuncture with various wavelengths:
It is the laser most used in pediatric clients or with more sensitive constitution.
THE Laser by itself, it can accomplish 3 actions simultaneously:
In case of post-surgery, the use of laser will enhance tissue regeneration, reducing inflammation in the area and, by having an analgesic effect, improves the quality of life of patients.
No contraindications, It's painless, non-invasive and can greatly reduce recovery time from surgery.