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International Women's Day

International Women's Day is celebrated annually on March 8.

This day aims to celebrate the rights that women have won to date, their importance in society, but also to remind them that there is still much to do.

The first International Women's Day was celebrated in May 1908 in the USA, when about 1500 women joined a demonstration in favor of economic and political equality in the country. The following year, the US Socialist Party made the date official as February 28, with a protest that brought together more than 3,000 people in downtown New York and led to a long textile strike that closed nearly 500 American factories.

In 1910, during the Second International Conference of Socialist Women in Denmark, a resolution to create an annual date for the celebration of women's rights was passed by 17 countries. The aim was to honor feminist struggles.

In 1911, there was a strike by women working in New York at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. These workers sewed about 14 hours a day and received between 6 and 10 dollars a week. The working conditions were terrible, the precarious environment exposed the workers to various dangers.


On March 25, 1911, a massive fire broke out in the factory, killing 125 women and 21 men who worked there. This incident marked the trajectory of feminist struggles throughout the 20th century.

With the first world war (1914-1918) more protests arose. But it was on March 8, 1917, in Russia, when approximately 90,000 workers demonstrated against Tsar Nicholas II, about poor working conditions, hunger and Russian participation in the war - that this event became known as "Bread and Peace". ”.

Only more than 20 years later, in 1945, the United Nations (UN) signed the first international agreement that affirmed principles of equality between men and women.

In the 1960s, the feminist movement took shape – in 1975 the International Year of Women was officially celebrated and in 1977 the “8th of March” was officially recognized by the United Nations.

In 2008, the UN launched the “Women Make the News” campaign aimed at promoting gender equality in the world's media. Today, the celebration of International Women's Day has taken on a festive and commercial character so that their rights and equality are remembered. 




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